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Frequently asked questions
From customers

We understand that you have a lot of questions, and we are ready to provide the reliable answers and accurate information you need. Whether you would like to learn more about our procedures, or want a consultation before undergoing any procedure, we are here to hear you and provide you with the help you need.

  • What is Dental Implantation?
  • What types of dental implantation are available?
  • How is the dental implantation procedure performed?
  • What are the methods of dental implantation?
  • Are there specific requirements for dental implantation?
  • What is the recovery period after dental implant surgery?
What is Dental Implantation?

Dental implantation is a surgical procedure aimed at replacing missing teeth using titanium screws implanted into the jawbone, serving as fixed and permanent alternatives to natural teeth.

What types of dental implantation are available?

There are several types of dental implantation, including traditional dental implantation, hybrid dental implantation, and immediate dental implantation. These types differ in the method of implant placement and the timing of the procedure.

How is the dental implantation procedure performed?

The dental implantation procedure typically involves several steps. These steps include oral assessment, X-ray imaging, surgical planning, dental implant surgery, osseointegration period, and the attachment of the crown.

What are the methods of dental implantation?

Methods of dental implantation include the traditional screw fixation method, dental implantation using negative pressure, dental implantation using the All-on-4 technique, and dental implantation using the delayed implantation technique.

Are there specific requirements for dental implantation?

Yes, dental implantation requires a comprehensive assessment of oral health, including the quantity and quality of available bone, gum condition, and jaw health. Some patients may need preliminary procedures such as bone grafting or improving gum health before undergoing dental implantation.

What is the recovery period after dental implant surgery?

The recovery period after dental implantation varies from person to person and depends on factors such as the patient’s age and overall health. Typically, the osseointegration process takes between 3 to 6 months. Afterward, artificial teeth can be attached, restoring oral function and a natural appearance.

  • What is Facelift Surgery?
  • What are the Available Types of Facelift Surgery?
  • How is Facelift Surgery Performed?
  • What is Rhinoplasty?
  • How is Rhinoplasty Performed?
  • What are Common Reasons for Undergoing Rhinoplasty?
What is Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgeries are surgical procedures that aim to tighten the skin and compressible tissues in the face and neck. They help improve the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles, enhance youthfulness, and reduce signs of aging.

What are the Available Types of Facelift Surgery?

There are several types of facelift surgeries, including traditional facelift, endoscopic facelift, thread lift, and laser facelift. These procedures vary in the method of tightening and the duration of recovery.

How is Facelift Surgery Performed?

Facelift procedures typically involve patient anesthesia, followed by the removal of excess skin and securely repositioning it. If needed, sagging muscles are tightened. Wounds are closed with stitches, and a light dressing is applied to aid in the healing process.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is performed through a surgical procedure under general anesthesia. The surgeon sculpts and shapes the tissues in the nose as desired by the patient and according to the surgeon’s guidance. Various techniques may be used, such as open or endonasal, depending on the nose’s condition and the patient’s needs.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Yes, facelift surgeries are considered permanent procedures. While the surgery doesn’t halt the aging process, it helps achieve a youthful effect and reduces wrinkles and skin sagging for an extended period. Maintaining the best results requires attention to skin health and adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

What are Common Reasons for Undergoing Rhinoplasty?

There are several reasons that may drive individuals to undergo rhinoplasty, such as a desire to enhance balance and harmony between facial features, correct hereditary defects and deformities in the nose, address deformities resulting from injury or accidents, and improve breathing problems due to a deviated septum or narrow air passages.

  • What is Hair Transplantation?
  • What is Beard and Mustache Transplantation?
  • What are the Modern Techniques in Hair Transplantation?
  • What are the General Steps in the Hair Transplantation Process?
  • Does Hair Transplantation Require Recovery Time?
  • Does Hair Transplantation Achieve Permanent Results?
What is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring lost hair or improving the density and overall appearance of the scalp. This is achieved by transferring hair from a healthy area of the scalp to the areas where the person is experiencing hair loss.

What is Beard and Mustache Transplantation?

Beard and mustache transplantation is a surgical procedure designed to transplant hair to areas that suffer from thinning or hair loss. This is done by transferring hair from a healthy area of the scalp to the targeted areas.

What are the Modern Techniques in Hair Transplantation?

There are modern techniques in hair transplantation, including the Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique and the Robotic Hair Transplantation technique. The DHI technique uses a special tool called Choi Pen to directly implant hair without the need for creating recipient channels. The Robotic Hair Transplantation technique employs advanced robots to precisely and effectively identify and transplant hair.

What are the General Steps in the Hair Transplantation Process?

The general steps in hair transplantation include initial diagnosis, evaluation of the scalp, and planning the targeted hairline. Subsequently, hair grafts are surgically extracted from the donor area and transplanted into the recipient areas. Finally, the transplanted hair is cared for and monitored to ensure outstanding results.

Does Hair Transplantation Require Recovery Time?

Yes, after the procedure, individuals may need recovery time. Swelling and redness in the scalp are typically observed post-operation, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days. Patients are guided on proper care for the scalp and transplanted hair during the recovery period.

Does Hair Transplantation Achieve Permanent Results?

Yes, hair transplantation provides permanent results. The transplanted hair retains its natural characteristics and continues to grow like the original hair. However, careful selection of the donor area is crucial for sustainable and high-quality results.

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Istanbul, Turkey

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+90 (545) 357 51 65

    Porto Clinic

    Prepare for an exceptional experience at Porto Clinic for Cosmetic and Dental Surgery. We are dedicated to restoring confidence in yourself. Thanks to our professional and dedicated team, we provide advanced cosmetic services and surgical procedures at the highest quality standards.

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